How has life in Ember changed since the seven-minute power outage? Everyone is quiet and walks quickly and there is not much talk about the power outage. Who do you think Lina and Doon saw in the pipeworks? I think that they saw either the mayor, or one of the builders. Why are Lina and Doon disappointed during their after-hours visit to the Pipeworks? They are because the door is locked and they can’t get in, but there is a mysterious guy who has the key and possibly found something, and he would be famous if he were the one to save the City of Ember. She also said that she only liked one thing about her job, but she couldn’t tell Lina because it was a secret.

What is it about lizzie’s job that she does not like? And what does she like? She doesn’t like having to write in such tiny letters and that everyone is so rude there, especially her boss. Why does Lina decide to go to the Pipeworks? She does because Doon told her that he had actually found a roped-off door in the Pipeworks. How does Doon react when he sees Lina’s document? He acts very intrigued and he thinks it is important and immediately tries to find clues in it and tries to fix the words. When he comes to the locked door, hes shocked to find a key in it.
Why is Doon interested in the subject of fire? He is because he thinks that if he learns more about it, he would be able to create a portable light/fire to bring into the Unknown Regions and try to escape Ember. By Jeanne DuPrau Advertisement - Guide continues below Chapter 12 A Dreadful Discovery The next week, Doon finishes fixing a leak in the Pipeworks and decides to go to the secret tunnel again to look for clues. Why does Lina decide to take the document to Doon? She does because she thinks that one of the torn up words in the document says pipeworks, which is where Doon works. Who did Lina write a letter to about the document she found? She wrote a letter to Mayor Cole. What strategy do most of the people in ember use to cope with the shortages and blackouts? They usually gather in clumps on street corners to talk about where they were during the blackouts and blaming the electricians. Why don’t Captain Fleery and the other Believers worry about the state of the city of Ember? They don’t worry because they believe that the builders will come back to the city to rescue them. What makes Lina think that the box from the closet contains something important? She thinks this because she knew that her granny was looking for something that was lost and very important, but since granny had not known what to look for, she must and just thrown it out like the rest of the things that she was looking through. Why do the people show anger toward the mayor at the town meeting? They show anger towards him because he was talking through the megaphone very loud and unclear so nobody could understand what he was saying. What was granny looking for? She was looking for something important, but she didn’t know what. Murdo show she is “somewhere between a friend and a relative” to Lina? She watches Poppy and granny and acts like a mother would for Lina but she still does not seem like a relative but just a very close friend who looks out for her.